Il-2 Korea – An Epic Fuckup?

Il-2 Korea – An Epic Fuckup?

So Putin is in North Korea with Kim jong un and so this new announcement happens today, the next installment of Il-2 wont be Luftwaffe Versus 8th Airforce B17’s and Lancasters at night, no its the Korean War!

So firstly its obvious the release was intentionally timed to coincide with Putins visit to North Korea. Secondly, its obvious this choice was within criteria that the new title had to involve Russian military history, which money backers in Russia must have stipulated for their continued support.

So that then makes the best seller idea of Luftwaffe Vs US and British bomber commands out of the question, even though this is not only a better choice than Korea: Its the best possible choice of all the imaginings.

Thirdly, whos going to fly as the North Koreans? The South Koreans have computers and great internet for multiplayer, but would they fly their current enemy’s planes??? No! They live everyday in fear that kimmie kim kim kim un jong will drop a nuke on them! So as if the South Koreans would play as the Mig 15s. The Chinese would, but Chinese generally dont pay flight sims, because theyre too busy eating cat and or dog.

The Japs wouldnt be interested because theres no Mitsubishi Zero, no Kawasaki Ki-61, no Betty Bomber.

Id buy it and fly it, but not that often and at this point Id rather build and fly my own aircraft in real life than spend another 4-5 thousand hours staring at a computer screen.

As to the North Koreans themselves, the “Hermet Kingdom”, well they dont even have computers let alone internet, let alone any money to but flight sims, so that whole country is a non-market for this game that will feature their very side in their very war. Unless Kim Un Jong promotes it they will never know of its existence. Encountering North Korean players in a multiplayer video game would be a bizzare experience.

Further I tried to leave a few comments on the release video below and found they disapeared, because doubtless Im blocked from commenting there, because they prefer to stuff their company and community full of con artist psychopaths and to shun and attempt to scapegoat myself.

The biggest thing I gained from Il-2 was a in-depth expert knowledge of psychopaths and organisational support for psychopaths.

I believe the Ukraine Russia war has negatively impacted this company 1C who makes Il-2 Sturmovik, leading to severing ties with their American Executive Producer and marking an end to production of Western focused products such as Battle of Normandy and Flying Circus.

The geo-political context today is one of looming World War, Pandemic, Scamdemic looming once again, Biden Putin, Medvedev, Jens Soltenberg and the rest all vocal on weapons, sanctions, pacts such as NATO, conscription in UK possibly, under their curry nigger PM, and nuclear weapons talk all the time in Tucker Carlson interviews and on twitter tweets… Add to this the covid scam and all the misery, death and injurt that has wrought on the people of the World, and add to thay the mud orc invasion of white nations too. Its a pitty 1C didnt just make Luftwaffe vs 8th Airforce and RAF Bomber Command, because as artists, thats their best theme/material to bring to life.

Im a bit – A lot disapointed. Oh well, I can almost guarantee my airship will fly in real life long before both Il-2 Korea and Combat Pilot release their first product.

Psychopaths hate truth and hate truth-tellers, because truth-tellers threaten the psychopath’s ability to remain hidden and thus to continue in their hidden evil ways. Psychopaths will skillfully twist the words of a truth teller and bend the truth to make them look like a monster. For example psychopaths will look for any ambiguity or any opportunity to willfully misinterpret a truth-tellers words and meanings and in ambiguity, always assume the evil interpretation rather than the obvious good meaning of what a truth teller is saying. And other narcissists and psychopaths will be standing at the ready, as flying monkeys, ready and willing to amplify the gaslighting, to agree with the psychopaths character assassination of the truth teller. This has a terrifying effect on the truth-teller. This is intended to silence the truth teller in fear and or shame. If good people comply with psychopaths we enter a dangerous cultural situation where everyone must appear to be perfect and political correctness rules every brain and curtails every heart. Psychopaths are the origin of political correctness. Dare to be imperfect, dare to be disagreeable in these times. The ethically right response of a truth teller to such supression techniques, is to redouble efforts to speak truth and speak loudly.